Brong dance troupe, Banda Cultural Centre commissioning, 1995


A Brong dance troupe performs at the commissioning celebration for the Banda Cultural Centre. A group of drummers is seated behind the dancers. Visible in the background is the logo of the Banda Cultural Centre which is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." This is symbolized by an Adinkra symbol showing two crocodiles who share a common stomach (two heads, two tails, one stomach; referred to as funtumfunafu in Twi). The symbol conveys the meaning "why fight over food when you share a stomach?" The Cultural Centre's main building pictured here was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. Ahenkro, 21 July 1995.

Creator Subject Publisher Keyword Date created Relation Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 8.165961, -2.354312
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
  • Photographic print
Date digitized
  • 2019-09-24
Technical note
  • Print provided by Alex Caton scanned by Ann B. Stahl
  • 1995