Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 2001


The Banda Cultural Centre provides space for community gatherings and guest rooms for Banda Research Project and other community visitors. The Centre's motto/logo is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." Commissioned in 1995, the main building was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. The free-standing annex (right in photo) was added in 2000. It houses additional guest rooms and storage and was also built through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor. The building is administered and maintained by the community. Ahenkro, July 2001.

Creator Subject Publisher Keyword Date created Relation Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 8.165961, -2.354312
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
  • 35 mm slide
Date digitized
  • 2016
Technical note
  • Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
  • 2001