Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982

A standing potter molds the body of a clay jar using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. Here she uses a flat metal spatula to smooth the now-formed jar's exterior surface. She places the edge of her tool at the neck and makes downward strokes to create a smooth surface on the moist clay. As she works, she moves around the stump that supports the palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which the jar is being formed. Bondakile, October, 1982.

Creator Subject Publisher Identifier Keyword Date created Relation Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 7.986031, -2.546331
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
  • 35 mm slide
Date digitized
  • 2016
Technical note
  • Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
  • 1982