Readying tobacco leaves for drying, Ahenkro, 1986

Tobacco began to be grown as a cash crop in the Banda area in the early 1980s. Here young people tie leaves to the branches from which the tobacco will be suspended while hanging in the drying barn. Visible in the background are two drying barns built of cement block and roofed with iron sheets. Tobacco companies advanced farmers the materials to build these barns against the farmer's crop. Between the drying barns is a stack of wood brought in by tractor to fuel fires in the barns. In the background of one photo, men carry headpans filled with tobacco which they have brought from farm. Two photos. South side of Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.

Creator Subject Publisher Keyword Date created Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 8.163264, -2.356141
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
  • 35 mm slide
Date digitized
  • 2016
Technical note
  • Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
  • 1986