Screening excavated soil, Mound 102, Kuulo Kataa, 2000
DepositedTwo Banda Research Project team members screen excavated soil at Mound 102, Kuulo Kataa. The men work on the edge of a cleared area several meters away from excavation unit 55W 69N. Thick vegetation covers the mound behind them. A headpan of excavated soil sits in front, awaiting screening. After sieving the soil, the men carefully pick and bag artifacts (fragments of pottery, metals, beads, animal bone) left in the screen. Studying these artifacts and the contexts from which they were recovered (their provenience) helps archaeologists to learn about the daily lives of past people. Kuulo Kataa, 2000.
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- 35 mm slide
- 2019-11-08
- Slide scanned by Ann B. Stahl
- 2000