Banda Traditional Council meeting, Ahenkro, August 1986


A group of men and women stand in the doorways of the Banda Traditional Council building as the Traditional Council holds a meeting inside. The colonial-period building's interior is lit by natural light through large windows, with several panes of window glass intact on the rear side of the building. Several young people sit on the steps of the building. Visible to the left is the metal-roofed colonial-period village clinic and residence of the village nurse who was in this period the primary medical care personnel for the Banda area. Ahenkro, 12 August, 1986.

Creator Subject Publisher Keyword Date created Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 8.162784, -2.357505
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
  • 35 mm slide
Date digitized
  • 2016
Technical note
  • Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
  • 1986