Banda Cultural Centre painting of a man working metal, 2016


In June 2011, Banda Research Project team member Amanda Logan collaborated with local artist Kwame K.B. 2 to develop paintings for the doors of the Banda Cultural Centre's courtyard. The paintings illustrate crafts practiced in the area for which we have archaeological evidence. This image shows a blacksmith forging iron. Based on the presence of byproducts like slag and the tools used to make metal, we know that blacksmiths smelted and forged iron in the Banda area from at least 1000 years ago. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, June, 2016.

Creator Contributors Subject Publisher Keyword Date created Relation Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 8.165961, -2.354312
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
  • Digital image
  • 2016