Preparing the evening meal, interior courtyard, Kafͻnͻ Katoo, Ahenkro, 1986


Women of Kafͻnͻ Katoo gather around multiple hearths in the compound's courtyard preparing the day's main meal. Kitchen equipment ranging from locally made pottery, metal pots, sieving baskets and headpans are visible. The women sit on low stools, some carved and others made from sawn boards. Posts surrounding several hearths create a rack for storing items. Thatch - and metal-roofed rooms surround the courtyard. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.

Creator Subject Publisher Keyword Date created Rights statement Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 8.164591, -2.355672
  • Dr. Ann B. Stahl
Date digitized
  • 2018
Technical note
  • Negative scanned by Ann B. Stahl
  • 1986